J.M. Huber Corporation’s community engagement program, Huber Helps and Huber Engineered Woods (HEW) are celebrating milestone contributions in our sponsorship of the Gary Sinise Foundation (GSF) and efforts to support severely wounded heroes within the United States.  

With a recent $125,000 cash sponsorship along with HEW donations of ZIP System® sheathing and AdvanTech®  subflooring towards the building of a specially adapted home for Retired U.S. Army Capt. Tyson Quink, the Company has reached a milestone of $1 million in cash sponsorships to GSF programs and HEW product donations of $1 million to 50 homes through GSF’s Restoring Independence Supporting Empowerment (R.I.S.E.) program.   

The R.I.S.E program offers a new beginning and safe haven for severely wounded US Veterans and first responders by providing 100% mortgage free specially adapted smart homes to heroes and their families who have sacrificed so much.  

“This thoughtfully designed space fosters my continued independence and transforms my daily life by providing greater mobility and accessibility. The immediate impact is genuinely life-changing for my entire family,” Quink shares. “I’m especially excited that this home is crafted to address the challenges I face today as an amputee and anticipate the natural changes that come with aging. This ensures that my evolving physical needs will always be met, allowing me to embrace the future with confidence, knowing that I’ll be able to maintain my independence.” 

These significant contribution milestones were announced and celebrated at the 2025 International Builders Show on HEW’s Best of Social Awards stage. HEW employees and Huber leadership were joined by GSF R.I.S.E. recipient, Retired U.S. Army Sgt. Bryan Anderson, who spoke about the life-changing impact that receiving his specially adapted home had on him and his family.    

“As a business, it’s something that is very near and dear to the hearts of our employees, and our shareholders, the Huber family,” says Chris Vegas, Innovation Technology Director at HEW. “I think that it goes to show just how much people care about those that are willing to fight and sacrifice for all of us.”