Helping Veterans R.I.S.E.

Huber views support for veterans as a key component of giving back to the community and employee engagement.
In 2017, two extraordinary events honored two severely wounded American heroes, and Huber Engineered Woods (HEW) was a part of the celebrations.
Courtesy of the R.I.S.E. (Restoring Independence, Supporting Empowerment) program, created by the Gary Sinise Foundation in 2012, each man—army veteran Cedric King and retired US Marine Corporal Sean Adams—received a fully customized, specially adapted smart home.
After HEW leaders learned about the R.I.S.E. program, they agreed to contribute to a two-home building trial in metro Atlanta, Georgia. HEW donated ZIP System® sheathing and tape, ZIP System™ stretch tape, AdvanTech® subfloor and AdvanTech™ subfloor adhesive to the Adam and King builds. HEW employees also volunteered to help tape the seams on one of the homes.
In late January of 2017, builders finished King’s home, located north of Atlanta in Duluth, Georgia. Builders completed Adam’s home, just outside of Commerce, Georgia, in late May. Both homes had dedication ceremonies that were attended by HEW employees and representatives from the Huber family.
The entire experience was so positive that HEW signed up to help build six more homes. When Huber launched its Huber Helps corporate community engagement program, Cedric King served as the keynote speaker, expressing his thanks to Huber for making his family’s life better through the building and sponsoring of his new home.
For their help with the R.I.S.E. program, the HEW team won a Mike Huber award, named after a longtime CEO and Huber’s highest form of employee recognition.
Learn more about our involvement in the community
Posted June 20, 2018